Shipping Policy
We are proud to offer worldwide shipping for all orders and free shipping over $50! Orders that do not qualify for free shipping will be shipped at a flat rate of $4.20 and includes insurance. For orders to be shipped outside of the United States, you shall be responsible for any applicable fees including but not limited to taxes and customs duties.
All packages, with the exception of express delivery options, will be sent via USPS First Class Packages. Delivery estimates are 3-5 business days for domestic addresses and 14-21 business days for international addresses from the date received by the carrier. Please note that actual delivery times may vary according to the United States Postal Service and we will not be held responsible for delays in packages that may occur due to weather, incorrect address information, or carrier related issues which are out of our control.
Atlas Jewelry LLC is not responsible for theft, lost packages, or handling of a package once it is marked delivered per the tracking number from USPS. Once the package is marked delivered from USPS per their site, we will not be able to offer any support or re-shipments.
Additionally, any exchanges / returns made that are not marked as shipped via USPS will not be accepted and are not the responsibility of Atlas Jewelry LLC.